8 August 2015


This tip can be applied to Android and iPhone smartphones.

So I have a mid range android smartphone and I noticed that it was running a bit slow. When I checked what apps were currently running and using the most RAM, the guilty culprits were Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Gmail, all of which I had been using and thought I had closed.

But these apps tend to stay open in the background so they open quicker the next time you use them. As a result of these consuming your RAM and processor functions, the phone can perform slowly.

A simple non-techie solution to this was to:
  • Uninstall the guilty apps if possible, sometimes they're protected as stock apps.
  • Instead of using these apps just bookmark the websites in your internet browser (Chrome, Safari, etc..)
  • So now you can access them through the browser with practically the same functionality while only using a fraction of the processor function.
While there are a lot of differences between Android and iPhone operating systems, the same logic still applies to both I think.

If you can add to this tip or you completely disagree please leave a comment.

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